Essay/Term paper: Character skect of mr pignatti
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Character Sketch of Mr. Pignatti
Mr. Pignatti is just a big kid at heart. He was very lonely until John and Lorriane came along.
He is a closed man and tries to hide his feelings about his wives death. He is a very nice and
kind hearted man and tries to be nice to Lorriane and John. "Make your selfs at home" , "have
what ever you want" he says with a big smile,. Mr. Pignatti gives Lorriane and John something
that there parents don't, freedom. For the reasons listed above John and Lorriane often go to Mr.
Pignatti house. John and Lorriane love the pig man, they find many qualities in him that they
don't find in there own parents. It nice to get away from the nagging sometimes.
At first John and Lorriane just pity Mr. Pignatti, so they go to the zoo with him, but after a
while they really like him and grow attached to him. Mr. Pignatti a lonely man with only friend,
a monkey at the local zoo, welcomed John and Lorriane as friends. He really enjoyed their
company and tried to make them happy. Mr. Pignatti acted like a big kid, but the problem is he's
50 year's old. He goofs around, drinks wine, buys them anything they want. Their parents never
did that. As time goes on the Lorriane and John grow more attached to Mr. Pignatti to the point
of love. While he is fooling around in his child like way Mr. Pignatti over exerts him self and has
a heart attack.
Mr. Pignatti must stay at the hospital to recover, amazingly he gives the keys to John and
Lorriane! Their parents would never let them have the house for a week. Mr. Pignatti comes
home and day early and finds his house a mess he is very devastated. The next day John,
Lorriane and Mr. Pignatti go to the zoo to visit Boob. When Mr. Pignatti finds out Boob died of
Phunemonia he has a second heart attack and dies.